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a doula serves: my spring retreat

You see this word doula a lot lately.  Usually in reference to birth, sometimes in reference to death.  Having both served people in birthing and in dying, I can tell you that the experience is similar. Powerful. Originally, the word comes from the Greek word for ‘woman who serves’.  This is what I think of when the […]

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Happy Spring!

Today’s Vernal Equinox kitchen dance party is brought to you by the Dharohar Project. I love this season…and I hate it a little bit too. A person who is built the way I am doesn’t like transitions, changes or movement unless it is MY idea.  Springtime puts us at the mercy of the winds.  And […]

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so this is blogging.

I’m not even sure what to put here. I have this sense that my first blog post should be something epic. First. Blog. EVAAR! But all I can say right now is that I’m excited to share things I know about with you.  Even things I don’t know about…yet .  I’m excited to grow, reach, […]

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