I help women who know they need to take better care of themselves, but aren’t sure where to start. Some call it coaching, some call it teaching or mentorship, I call it helping.

We work together 1to1 to help you figure out what you really want, and how to get it.

I help women move from lost to found.

I’ve been exactly where you are – I know what it’s like to feel lost. (Like you don’t even know who you are anymore.)

I worked for years in a difficult job, in a place that was horrible for my physical and mental health. Breathing toxic chemicals, hands in solvents, and standing in the same spot all day. I stayed there because I felt a responsibility to the people I worked with.

I was doing my best to take care of them, at the expense of my own wellbeing. I had to drag myself out of bed 15 minutes before I was supposed to be at work, I was sick all the time, and I was constantly telling myself that someday, I would quit.

That’s no way to live. (And we all deserve to LIVE.)

Here’s the way out that I can share with you.

I’ve learned how to harness my feelings and create intentions based on them, rather than having goals based on other people’s expectations.

I’ve felt a little different my whole life. From spiritual curiosity to a deep love of unusual swear words (skunkfucker ftw!), I never quite fit in. For a long time, I tried reeeeallly hard to make myself smaller, quieter, more like the rest of the herd.

But now I can see that, my weird? It’s a side affect of being awesome. And the world needs way more awesome.

Rather than always failing at my old boring goals of losing the weight, and wishing I had enough money to buy the shit I don’t actually want…I’ve learned how to stop feeling like I’m never good enough, and start living from a place of joy.

I’ve figured out who I want to be, at last. She might be a little messy…but she’s fucking glorious.

I’ll help you do the same.

green joy

A little more about Holly

I’m obsessed with learning about herbs, spellcrafting and putting words together in ways that feel right. I go for bikerides in the middle of the night just because I can.

I’m a Cancer with Leo Rising and a Sagittarius Moon. I’m not entirely sure what that means, but the stars make one helluva map into our unconscious.

As above, so below. As within, so without.

I’ve struggled with both physical and esoteric elements of balance, so I have a deep understanding of that struggle. I’m steadfastly mercurial.

Helping women figure out what they want from their life is what I am most passionate about.

See also: petting furbabies, howling at the moon, a decent homebrew, laughing around a firepit, and watching Dr Who or Supernatural.

“I’d rather be whole than good.” -Carl G Jung

Still want to know more? Click here for a boring list of credentials, education and training.