You see this word doula a lot lately.  Usually in reference to birth, sometimes in reference to death.  Having both served people in birthing and in dying, I can tell you that the experience is similar. Powerful. Originally, the word comes from the Greek word for ‘woman who serves’.  This is what I think of when the word doula comes to mind.  Not a solely birth attendant, nor  hospice provider. A woman who serves.  I serve people in all stages of life. In this way, I am a doula.

But I am not a certified doula.  I have never been formally taught in the ways of working with those coming into this world, or those leaving it.  I am trained only in my life experience, my research, and my willingness to throw that all aside and do what works in the moment.

I have had the honor of serving in two births, helping my cousin bring first her son, and then on March 25th, her daughter into the world.  Sophia Margaret is perhaps the most beautiful little lady I have ever laid eyes on.

Sophia sleeps

She snuggles hardcore.


sleeps like dad

She sleeps just like her dad.

in arms

The day before I left, I started crying every time she left my arms.  Can you blame me? Look at that friggin face!


She’s in good hands…or feet.  Big brother Isaac is going to take great care of her.

I went to Wisconsin for 9 days to serve as Mama prepared for, labored through, and birthed her into the world.  I wasn’t the only one there, an amazing team of women (and men!) helped see to it that this little lady’s first week of life was spent in arms, on the boob, or otherwise being loved and protected.

As for my retreat time…I explored a little, I wrote a lot, and I continued my process of unfurling into who I am meant to be.  All while waking early, eating a ridiculous amount of delicious homecooked food, drinking local beers, practicing Yoga and deeply connecting with women who see me for who I am and love me both because of and in spite of me.

And now that I’m back in the swing of things, ideas continue to unfurl.

Old growth falls away for the new to emerge.  Spring is sprung, and good things are coming.

I think studying, sharing and bringing Joy is one of many ways I get to serve.

A woman who serves.  It has a nice ring to it!