Rubbing someones shoulders not only helps them, it helps YOU. BECAUSE YOU HELPED THEM.

See how that works? Neato.

Before you give someone a back rub, it’s helpful to stretch a bit. Warm up your tissues. That way you’re less likely to damage your own body while you help someone else’s body relax.

And for pete’s sake; be careful with your wrists.  Massage therapists (pros AND amateurs) are perpetually hurting our wrists.

Why? Because we don’t stretch. We aren’t careful with our posture (LMTs call it body mechanics). And we don’t stop or change what they are doing when their wrists hurt.

So, lets talk about some effective stretches for our wrists.

Forearm stretches are my go-to if my wrists bother. They are easy to do, and can be as gentle or intense as you need them.

To begin:

Extend one hand in front of you, fingers pointing up, palm away. (Think Stop! In the name of love…I just did.)

Place your opposite hand on the extended fingertips. Gently press them back toward your face, while pushing forward with the heel of your hand. Stop before it hurts. Waaaaay before it hurts. Stop when you begin to feel stretch. Hold for about 3 breaths.

Now release. Fingertips of the extended arm point down. Gently press the back of the extended hand toward you with the other hand, so the extended fingertips BEGIN to point toward you. Stop when you begin to feel stretch, well before it hurts. Hold for about 3 breaths.

Let it go! Shake your hands out. Ahhh.

Now stretch the opposite side. Notice the difference between the two sides, if there is one. It’s okay, most of us have one side that’s tighter than the other.

These stretches are also great to practice during your day, especially if you work with your hands, or when you’re spending lots of time on the computer.

Take good care of you!

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