typing on a computer LIKE IT'S MY JOB

Ever had one little thing stand between you and your own fucking glory?

Are you stuck in “what if”s and “but I can’t”s and “there’s no way I can do that right now”s?

Yeah, me too. 

Grad school starts in August, and I couldn’t be more excited. Except for one itty bitty little snag. 


I need to take a stats class to even get into grad school, and while I am clever, I am not numberclever.

I remember numbers. I can add and subtract shit in my head. But that’s about it. 

My friends are befuddled by my terror. 

“You’re smart. You’ll be fine.”

Yeah, sure. I agree. I tend to sound smart, often smarter than I actually am. But…have you ever heard me say something mathsmart? EVER???

(spoiler alert: the answer is a bodacious NO.)

I took general math in college so I could just get through it, and I was lucky to get a C. That was 20 years ago. So now, there’s a placement test that needs taking. 

I’m terrified of failing that test. That test gets me into the stupid undergrad stats class I have to take before the real ohmigodareyouserious graduate stats class. If I don’t pass it, I hafta take a math class prior to the stats class. That means taking a class I don’t wanna take, to get into a class I don’t wanna take, to get into a class I don’t even want to take in THE FIRST PLACE.


But, here’s the deal.

I’m gonna walk into that testing center, all smiles, hand them my ID, take a couple of big ole deep belly breaths, sit down at the computer with a little bit of studying under my belt…and then just wing it.

Because if I don’t just do it, and run the risk of FAILING SPECTACULARLY, I’m never gonna do it at all. I will let a stupid hour or two of my life, one teensy weensy potential failure, keep me from giving my greatest gifts back to the world. 

And darlin, that ain’t me. It ain’t you either.

If you’re letting something stop you from walking into your future, just because you might fail, I see you. I feel you. 

Take a big breath with me. One of those gasping suckers, that moves from your crown aaaallll the way down to your toes.

Now, let’s go fucking wing it.

We might fail. We might fail SPECTACULARLY.  But we’ll be okay. 

Way better than if we don’t do it at all. 

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