Plan Your Soul Garden


We love the idea of having a garden.

Fresh food, hands in dirt, sun shining, birds singing. It’s utopia.

I even imagine myself in one of those hideously adorable garden hats. You know the one’s I’m talking about. Huge brim, string snug on the chin, silly pattern or garishly bright colors.

I’m kneeling in the garden, patting down the last tomato plant in the dark and somehow clean dirt.

Standing up to stretch my back, dusting off my otherwise pristine gloves that match that freaking hat, and smiling at the good fortune of it all.


Then i walk outside to this:


messy march garden



  • Compost scattered by some suburban creature.
  • Trees growing in the fenceline.
  • Cardboard that’s supposed to help keep the weeds out…blowing around.
  • Stray grocery bags caught in aforementioned trees.
  • That cabbage plant I didn’t get pulled up before the snow hit.

And my heart falls. For just a moment.

Until I remember:

It’s okay that the garden is a mess. It’s March.

It’s okay that the dirt is all lumpy and there’s still stems and leaves drifting about.

That I didn’t get the volunteer trees pulled again.

That the dandelions are gonna be bonkers this year.

That if you were to dig, you’d hit a snarled root of yet another plant you didn’t get all the way out.

That’s okay.

That’s how life is.

We think of how glorious the next step will be…and then reality slaps us. Hard.

I’m gonna eat good food…tomorrow. And then you wake up, and it’s tomorrow and it’s still hard to cook.

I’m gonna start working out…when it warms up. And those workout clothes get pressed to the back of the drawer.

And it’s so unfulfilling. The cycle continues.

What if, you stopped for just a second and wondered what it actually is that makes you want to work out. Eat “right”. Make more money. Get a bigger house. Have a big perfect garden.

Huh. What is it that makes us want what we want?

If that sounds confusing, I’m right there with ya.

What if you had someone to help you look into those wants, and helped you create a plan that involved making and then moving toward your goals in a way that doesn’t weigh you down, but lights you up?

Goals that make you smile, while you’re moving toward them. It isn’t just possible, it can even be EASY.

It helps to have someone who’s been there, who know’s what it’s like to work on boring ass goals and abandon them because they sucked. Someone who sets her goals based on how they will make her feel.

It helps to have someone who is ready to help you every step of the way.

There’s plenty of work ahead. Not gonna lie.

But it looks so much harder when you don’t know where to go next.

It’s still okay that you have no idea where to go next.

That’s what plans are for. To get you started.

Have a look at that lumpy dirt.
That stray bag.
Those wayward fenceline trees.
That ice still lurking.

Get out a pad and pencil. Call someone to help you get some perspective. Ask em: What did you do with your messy garden last year?

So, when the time is right, we can put on our garden gloves and that ridiculous hat and GET TO WORK.

Are you ready to figure out what it is that moves you, what will help you to live a more unique and joyful life? Take the very first step and click here to sign up for your Serenity Strategy Session. It’s free, and we will get you moving in the right direction for you.
