Making Sacred Space

If you’re feeling a little (or a lot) lost, I hope you hear this. Hear this, and remember yourself.

We all forget who we truly are, from time to time.

We all need reminding.

Do you have a place that you go to in order to remember yourself? Remember what it is you want from your one wild and precious life?

one wild and precious life

When it comes to soul practices, Routine is Key.

Where are you practicing? Is it the same place every day? Same time? Is it doable? Think of your mind as a child. Especially if you are making a change. The mind doesn’t know what to expect, so you need to give it some safety, security and structure. If you don’t have a morning routine, consider one.

My Morning Sacred now consists of 3 things.

  • Yoga and Meditation.
  • Make the same Smoothie every day.
  • Write in my Daily Planner.

I do each of these things in one of my sacred spaces.

yoga room altar

I’m fortunate to have a dedicated room in my house. It’s where I practice, where I teach, and where I write. But you don’t have to have a whole room to yourself. A corner will suffice.

Have something there that makes it beautiful to you. An image that moves you, your favorite flower. A trinket or memento that makes you smile.

Honor your esthetic. Love statues or flowers or plants or trinkets or props or quotes or ALL OF IT? Put it on your altar. If a simple candle is all you want…that’s perfect too. Or somewhere in between. It’s yours, it must be nourishing to you.

What lives on My Altars:


rocks stones and crystals oh my




sage or incense


my day’s supplements in shot glasses

(The body is your temple)


and of course a wee bit of silly

More ideas for Your Altar:

  • candles
  • images that move you
  • words that move you
  • books you love
  • religious or spiritually significant items (i.e. rosary, saints, mala, holy books, etc)
  • props you use: yoga mat, cushions, blanket, and such.
  • a Journal or Planner
  • oracle cards

How to Use Your Altar

  1. Go there. Every day. Even if only for a breath.(A single breath might be all you need.) Keep it simple and doable.
  2. Keep the altar clean. Even if your practice falls away, clean your sacred space with a smile. It’ll be ready for your return.(this one is hardest for me. My house is a dust MAGNET.)
  3. Check in…

How does your sacred space make you feel? Is it…

at home.

If the answer is anything less than good; change it.

Be willing to play with your sacred space. Play is holy, after all!

Your Homework:

Find a place in your home that’s just begging to be made sacred.

Give it a good wash.

How do you want to feel when you see or enter that space?

What can you put there to evoke that feeling? Go get it, and begin creating your own altar.

When it’s complete…be there. Smile. Breathe in the good juju you’re making. Make it a point to come back tomorrow.

Already have an altar?

Spruce it up a bit. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, make another one!

Want to learn more about creating sacred space in your home, and in your life? Click here to sign up for your sesh.

Joy. Getcha some!
