That’s a good question.

As you might already know; I’ve been moving through a process called The Desire Map. The Desire Map started out as a book, written by Danielle LaPorte. From there, it became the driver of over 500 book clubs around the world.

At the heart of it all is a commitment to feeling good.

I’ve been guiding myself through the process for about a year & a half. How I want to feel, or my Core Desired Feelings, have changed and shifted, but ultimately, it’s all about feeling good.

Feeling good is the primary intention. -Danielle LaPorte

It’s why I’ve lessened my workload, and I’ve learned how to focus on what I’m really good at.

Some folks might say that’s silly or even selfish.

But we know better, don’t we?

Who wants to live a life that doesn’t feel good? Who wants to spend their days doing things that are draining rather than nourishing?

Who wants to feel bored in their own life?

Not me. And I’m pretty sure, not you.

I make better choices now, based on how I want to feel.

It has changed my life. I believe in this work, having seen what it has done for me and so many other people.

So, I’ve taken the leap.

dmlf badge


You might already know this, but lets make it official: I am now a Licensed Facilitator of The Desire Map. Woo!

I’m stepping up and offering to guide other people through the desire mapping process by hosting my very own workshops, and even working 1on1 with you!

First up: The Desire Map Workshop: Level 1.

Stay tuned for more details on exactly what we’ll cover at the workshop, dates and signup fees.

If you want more info right NOW, send me an email.

I don’t believe we’re on this planet to live unfulfilled lives, or to let our potential go unrealized.

I DO believe that we’re each here to design a life that feels good. Feel good at work, in your clothes, in your relationships, in your heart.

It’d be my honor to support you in consciously creating that. I’d love to see you at my Desire Map workshops.





pssst. want to know what my Core Desired Feelings are?
Cosmic. Playful Presence. Seen. Ease. Wild hearted.