It’s an interesting premise, isn’t it?

I’m too busy.

I don’t have time.

I’ll do it when…

I’m too stressed right now.


Lemme tell you a secret.  It’s kind of a hard truth, but know I’m smiling when I say it.

If you keep telling yourself these things, you’ll never do yoga.  You won’t even try.  Those comfy comfy yoga pants will never get the chance to show you how they can move.  I know this, because I’ve been there. And it doesn’t even have to be about yoga!

Someday, we’ll travel.

Someday, I’d like to strong enough to do a pull up.

Someday, I’ll teach some classes.  Write a book.  Record audio.

Learn how to do this.

Give that a shot.


And my favorite…


I’m too stressed to learn how to destress. (What!?) There’s too much going on, maybe when it calms down. (do things ever really calm down?)


Can we hear ourselves?


I, for one, am done. I’m won’t be putting things off that I want to do. I’m making my list, checking it twice. Refining. Digging deep. Deciding what I have room for in my life.

Joy. Laughter. Dirt. Sweat. Education.

And a few more. And always a few more. And the rest of it…it can just go away.

While I could say that I won’t be doing any of the less than fun things, I know that isn’t true. Sometimes we do things that we don’t really want to do. Sometimes old and unfun habits reemerge. But I won’t be focusing on those things anymore.

Instead, I’ll spend my time with things that light me the eff up. And finding a way to make the less than fun things feel lighter. Freer.


If you are curious, and I mean truly curious about how you can let go of some of the unneeded stress you’re hanging onto right now, sign up for my Staying Sane workshop. It’s this Friday, December 13th at 6:30pm. We’ll talk, we’ll eat, we’ll dance.  Maybe.  Possibly.  Probably.

Call, email, do what it takes to commit to your own wellness.

Stress sucks.

You don’t have to be stuck in it anymore.