Good things come out of really shitty places.

It’s flooding here. I use present tense because the danger hasn’t passed. Spring thaw is still moving through.

But for much of my region, the waters have receded. 

I could give you a complete rundown of the shitshow that was March, but I feel like if you weren’t here for it, the news and social media will have you covered. 

Here’s the gist:

A lot of animals died. At least 3 humans died. Many lost their homes. People stole from the relief efforts. And yes, there were people setting fires and even looting homes. 

But the waters receded. 

For every assface who takes advantage of a shitty situation, there are many more who rush to help. Filling sandbags, setting up shelter beds at 4 am, loading up trucks with supplies and people to help distribute them. Children setting up lemonade stands to raise money for animal shelters. 

Businesses donating labor and money. Restaurants making hot meals for the volunteers and the displaced. People literally putting their lives on the line to keep a levee from breaching and flooding more neighborhoods. 

And while I was never in direct danger, sometimes it felt like I was. I can’t remember any other time I was so afraid of losing my home. 

Still, the waters receded. 

No one is perfect. My town has a really ugly side, especially when it comes to racism.

We’ve all made assface choices. But I will always remember the sandbaggers, the people who gave up their energy, their sleep, and even their livelihoods to give comfort to those who needed it, no questions asked. People from every walk of life imaginable.

The helpers. 

We get to choose who we are when we come to deep waters. 

Who will you be?