I’m sorry for the silent treatment lately. It wasn’t on purpose. Really!

See, there’s this wonderful thing happening. I’ve been working on it for a little while, trying to figure out how to make it work. And it’s gonna work.


*cue the trumpets.*


Ba Da Da DAAAA!!!


Finding Serenity Yoga is moving in with its best bud, Finding Serenity Massage!




For the past year and a half, I have taught Yoga out of Awareness Counseling in Fremont. I have had a great time, and I will always be grateful to the therapists there for helping me get my start. But it has been hard for this spacey gal to be located in two different places. I like to feel secure and grounded, and it’s hard when you’re traveling between two studios. Hard for me, anyway!

So, starting October 1st, I will have one studio space located in Heartland Chiropractic. September will be spent moving into the newer larger space, arranging and settling in. I will be able to offer more classes during the week, so be on the look out for the new schedule. I will also have more time available to work one on one with Private and Yoga Therapy sessions.

Aaaaannnd this will be a great place to teach workshops. So more workshops for Massage, Homemade goodies, and specialized Yoga. And space for you to check out Yoga mat bags made by the lovely Meredith Wachter, Guided Relaxation CDs by yours truly, and other things that you might find spiffy.

Here’s the part where I ask you for a small kindness.

Please bear with me as I make this transition. I might be a little harder to reach for a while, as I gather myself up and pour my heart and soul into this new space. Be patient with me, and come see the new space when it’s ready. I’ll let you know when the Open House is, so you can stop in for a cuppa and a nibble.


I can’t wait to show you!