I’m here.

It’s time for new classes.Β  Come on in and see the new space!

So, check out this page for the new class schedule, and for a little more info on the Gentle Beginner’s Yoga Series starting super soon.

But first…

I bid Awareness Counseling adieu last week.

It’s bittersweet, saying goodbye to the first place I taught Yoga. I learned so much there, and the therapists who work there are amazing folks. Supportive. I laughed a lot when we were between sessions together. I had a truly lovely place for my first two years teaching. Deb, Rach, Tracy; y’all are wonderful.


* sigh *


Now it’s time to move forward. Being in one place creates ease for me, simplicity for you and an ability to offer even more awesomesauce.

Like this!

Through October, I’m going to be offering a special on Yoga Passports.

Whassat, you ask?

It’s 6 class pass, good for any of my drop-in Yoga classes. You have 2 months to use em up, and you can share it with a friend.


it looks like this.
it looks like this.


Normally it is 50$. (Which saves you at least 15%)

In October, the Yoga Passport is just 30$. (That’s a savings of at least 50% off 6 regular classes. )

It’s my way of thanking you for your patience.

It’s my way of offering you an opportunity to try Yoga at a deep discount.

It’s my way of celebrating.


So stop in for a class, grab a Passport, or just say hi. Β Let’s keep the Joy coming.