7 Simple Rituals


Celebrating the seasons doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. It only takes a moment to acknowledge the arrival of the season of change. That’s spring AND fall.

These 7 rituals are suuuuuuper simple (and maybe a little snarky) and I have (or will) use each and every one of them this spring.


Get your feet or hands dirty.

dirty feet


Step 1: Find some dirt or grass.
Step 2: Take off your shoes (or get your hands ready).
Step 3: Get on that.

What’s its like to have nothing between you and earth?


Turn your face to the sun.



Step 1: Locate that gorgeous fireball in the sky.
Step 2: Take a slow breath in and close your eyes.
Step 3: Turn your face to the sun and feel that warmth as you exhale with a sigh. Bliss.


Go for a tech free walk.

walk shoes


Step 1: Put on weather appropriate clothing.
Step 2: Leave the phone at home (or if you must, put it on Do Not Disturb or silent)
Step 3: Walk out the door, and into the world.

Rather than listening to music or a podcast, listen to the sounds of the world around you. Make eye contact. Smile. Notice the colors, the shapes and anything else that strikes your eye.


Look at something colorful.

colorful caddie


No steps here, but there are Options:
Find a gallery or museum nearby.
Go to a park or garden.
Or even notice all the colors you see in your own neighborhood.


Donate to a changemaking charity.

hands receiving


Step 1: Pick a couple of charities you like. I love my local humane societies, and charity: water for starters.

Step 2: Check em out on Charity Navigator to see where their money goes.

Step 3: Send em some money.


Have a fire pit.



Step 1: Find a fire pit (buy it, build it, or visit it)
Step 2: Light a fire (or find someone to light it for you).
Step 3: Relax and enjoy it.



dancing rain


Step 1: Find a good mixtape.
Step 2: Play it.
Step 3: Dance. Be silly, be sexy, it doesn’t matter. Just dance.


BONUS: hug a tree (really).

hug tree


Yeah, this will probably make you feel like a crazy hippie. Do it anyway.

Step 1: Find a tree.
Step 2: Wrap your arms around it.
Step 3: Stay there for a second longer than you want to.


If you take a moment to honor the season you are in, it makes you a little more aware. A little more in-tune with what you might need or want or love. A little more cup-overflows.

Tune in. Fill up.
