You may have noticed this little ditty on my social media:


Ology: a branch of science or study. Joy: a source, cause, or state of delight.

Joyology: the study, seeking, and bringing of Joy.

Every time I enter a hotel room…this happens.


So, lets go a little deeper.


What’s joy?


Well, that depends on who you ask. And when you ask them.


Some might say it’s an emotion. Or a sensation. Some aren’t sure what joy is at all.

To me, joy is our true nature. The stuff we are made of, deep down, when we strip everything else way. Take away the jobs, the drama, the family, the fears, the ego, the body and bone and matter and guts and dreams and goals and influences and past and future and everything that we put in the way. At the very core of our beings, dare I say, the stuff of our souls, is pure, unadultered, JOY.

And it’s snuggles with someone you love.

The smell of a latte.

Nuthin but net.

Seeing someone’s face after they’ve just been married.


That first time Downward Facing Dog feels right.

Laughing at the movies.

The perfectly poached egg.

A massage with perfect pressure.

A bottle of wine shared among people you trust.

Stretching after a nap that was just the right length.


Running like Phoebe.

Giggles with little people.

A pair of pants that fits juuuust right.

Finding something you were so sure you’d never see again.

A dog that’s really happy to see you is a special sort of awesome.


I could go on and on and on. Joy is simultaneously subjective and objective. When we do any of these little things that make us happy, we get a glimpse of that Joy that lives deep within. That true nature stuff.

It’s so easy to lose sight of it! We get so wrapped up in the work of life, that we forget those simple (or complicated) pleasures that help us see ourselves for who we really are. And its different for everyone. That list I made up there? You might have been all YEAH. That’s what I’m talking about. Or maybe it was more like what the hell is that? That doesn’t make me feel good at all.

So, it’s about what makes you feel good. (And good is even subjective.) What makes you feel like it’s right and perfect and smiley and just and beautiful?


That’s your Joy.


And it might not always be the same thing. That kitten video might do it for you today, but tomorrow might call for something else. And then a week from now it will have you in gales of laughter all over again. That’s why you can open yourself up to all the possibilities for joy in your life.

Where did I come up with this? Well, there’s this singer. His name is Jason Mraz. And when he tours, he has a person teaching Yoga, making smoothies, giving hugs, and managing integrity. No, really, Tricia does that. Among many other things. She brings Joy to people in need of it.

And I thought:


Hey. That’s a fantastic idea.




HEY. I’m already doing this. Studying, seeking, and bringing joy. I just never knew there was a word for it.


I’m Holly, and I’m a Joyologist. I’ll help you find your way to your healthy, vibrant, joyful life. I’ll help you get out of your own way. I’ll help you see what’s already there, and what’s out there, just waiting for you!


happy feet
it can be as simple as you want it to be.